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Architecture: An uninstalling dialogue


The added value of architecture in a project goes through this very process, where a technical and artistic team, which has the knowledge and experience, thinks of a space for those who will live it, personalized for a specific use. On the other side is the person, family or company. They’ve dreamed of space, they thought about it for a long time, they have a specific idea and they expect a final result that meets that vision.

Thinking of a space for a specific experience, personalized for a particular and unique use, and inserted in a one of a kind cultural environment, is a real challenge. It is a challenge that architecture faces every day, in a constant, not always smooth, dialogue between the team of professionals and the final client, being families or companies.

But if this is the biggest challenge, it is also the biggest passion. When two people talk and have different views, when they are arguing, they grow. They grow because they learn different points of view, which help them to ground cement their ideas or, on the other hand, in a surrender, to adjust those ideas to an evolved vision. Architecture lives from this growth, from this dialogue, from this surrender by all parties involved.

The added value of architecture in a project goes through this very process, where a technical and artistic team, which has the knowledge and experience, thinks of a space for those who will live it, personalized for a specific use. On the other side is the person, family or company. They’ve dreamed of space, they thought about it for a long time, they have a specific idea and they expect a final result that meets that vision.

Through this meeting a long journey begins, based on a deep dialogue. Architecture is born from this dialogue, which may not always be peaceful, but it always ends in a good project, because it involves all parties. On one hand, we have a technical view that allows us to see the difference between what is an architectural solution and what is personal taste, on the other hand, there is a person who knows better than anyone how he will use a space, how it adds value and how it meets what it is expected.

In our office, we give a lot of focus to this personalization. When a client arrives ready to invest in a house, with its unique vision, he is at a very important stage of his life, being about to fulfill one of his biggest dreams - building a house where he will live, which already lives in his mind for a long time, and the time has come to share it with a professional team to build it and make his dream come true.

It is always a huge stage in life and it is a great privilege to be able to participate in these projects, something we take very seriously, being part of a project that has been thought and dreamed. This is why the architect's work has a very human component, in addition to being very technical. An architectural consultancy that adds value through proximity to the client.

Through this meeting a long journey begins, based on a deep dialogue. Architecture is born from this dialogue, which may not always be peaceful, but it always ends in a good project, because it involves all parties. On one hand, we have a technical view that allows us to see the difference between what is an architectural solution and what is personal taste, on the other hand, there is a person who knows better than anyone how he will use a space, how it adds value and how it meets what it is expected. We are talking about a very fine line between what is art, what is technical and what is practical use.

That's why it's important to have trust and humility on all sides. Trust does everything, because when handing over a project to an architecture team, a person has to be aware that he is working with technical professionals, who know what they are doing and, on the other hand, the technicians have to understand that the use of space is thought or was dreamed and imagined in another way. Humility is what is expected of both parties.

This is the dialogue we’ve been talking about. When there is trust and both parties are intervening, the dialogue uninstalls. Even when it forces us to deconstruct part of the project, we grow and the project grows too.

From this conversation, this process, this thinking between different mindsets, a project is born and with added value. Not just real estate value - which of course it has - but about a value that is contributed by this dialogic process. This makes a difference as an investment, even if it is a personal project, and it is always an added value, as it has a person who thinks about the logic, function and the whole set of experience of the house in detail. It is from this dialogue that uninstalls that solutions and ways of living are created.


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